Business Management

U Naing Winn Swe

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U Naing Winn Swe

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

My name is Naing Winn Swe. Although my native town is Yangon, Myanmar, I moved to Mandalay when I was a baby. I graduated with Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS)…

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U Phyo Thu

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U Phyo Thu

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

My name is Phyo Thu, and I’ve been teaching for over 12 years about accounting subjects since I received Diploma in Management Accounting from LCCI. I graduated with B.Sc in Physics.I am really…

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U Kyaw Htin Win

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U Kyaw Htin Win

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

I am Kyaw Htin Win. I have got master degree since 2015 then I has been teaching in various sorts of business area. Most of the subjects are related to Finance role.…

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