Trekking Trip – 2016
At the end of December, we arranged a very challenging trip for our students to go trekking to Mya Khanaut mountain which is located in Pathein Gyi township of Mandalay division. It is about 3110 feet high and not too far from our institute to get there by 30 minutes driving. Trekking group includes 50 members of teachers, students, office staffs and a trekking guide in 7 different subgroups. Before a week trip going, we had practice once by some teachers and staffs as a good rehearsal to be a safe trip. We gathered all members at 6:00 am, and provided breakfast food & some medicine, then we started the trip.
On the way of this trip, first, we reached the base of the mountain at 6:45am. Then, all different groups had continued onto the mountain through challenged steps and proper breaks. All we looked sightseeing, natural landscape beauty, villagers and got geographical knowledge along the trekking way. Finally, we reached the tip of mountain at 12:00pm. We had lunch arranged by school and took a group photo. Then, we pinned the trekking vinyl to the wall of mountain tip as being proud of having done success. We came back to our school and all reached at 6:30pm on that day; December 28th.